A new season is upon us and what a way to start the fourth season on a new home. You can still look back at previous entries from http://wildworks.blogspot.com/. What’s happening in Canada and United States are election fever. I only watched the Canadian English debate and it was pure laughter for myself having to watch grilling from good ol’ Stephen Harper.

Aside with the election talk, to start off this season, I had two ventures in Gatineau, QC today. In the morning, I had a liondance performance for this school. Overall, it was not bad and a nice workout. Later in the night, I went to The Black Sheep Inn for the Mother Mother with Wooden Sky and The Superfantastics. It was an amazing concert for all three music groups. Mother Mother is a 5 member Pop/Rock Indie group from Vancouver and it was their first time to perform at The Black Sheep Inn in Wakefield, QC. Here is a photo from the Mother Mother performance at The Black Sheep Inn.

Link to photos from Flickr, http://www.flickr.com/photos/lenny-wu/sets/72157607755231224/