Even though it was a short stay in Vancouver, there was time to check out various places in the city. 

With enough time, the places to check out were Canada Place, Gastown and Vancouver Chinatown.

At Canada Place, it is where the Vancouver Convention Centre, Pan Pacific Vancouver Hotel and a cruise ship terminal. Around the area has the Vancouver Olympic Cauldron from the 2010 Winter Olympics and there’s also some sculptures and statues around the area. It was nice see the cruise ships docked there and a scenic backdrop of Vancouver.

The next place to check out was Gastown, a neighbourhood in downtown Vancouver. The area has some clothing stores and mostly for tourist to go to. The neighbourhood is best known for the Gastown Steam Clock. The steam clock powers a sound production every 15 minutes. It brings the awe and excitement of tourists and people.

Last place to check out was Chinatown. They have a gateway and there are several buildings of historical significance being revitalized and restored. Another unique in Chinatown was the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden. The garden is quaint and lovely to be at.

There were some stops at gelato and donut stores. The last spot in Vancouver, well Richmond was dining at the Neptune Seafood Restaurant.

Even though there was less time checking out Vancouver, it was made best by going to these popular places. Hopeful for next year, there will be more to check out other areas of Vancouver. It was an amazing time.

Posted below are photos.
